• Must be 21+


The Orazzini family has been dedicated to wine for three generations, a passion handed down from father to son. Etrusca is the combination of innovative choices and respect for tradition and territory. Bounded to the past with a look to the future.

The Etrusca holdings extend in the province of Pisa enjoying a mild climate throughout the year. The soil of medium mixture mainly sandy and clay is often rich in skeleton. The mostly traditional cultivated varieties fully express the territoriality.

Etrusca – Wines of the Coast supports and encourages organic production  in support of the environmental impact and optimising resources to protect the ecological future.

Etrusca, certified by BIOAGRICERT, applies a “quality control” at every stage, from producer to consumer, acting as guarantor of a supply chain that promotes organic wines producing according to nature. Etrusca-Organic is a double-edged bond with the Earth, it is a pure and direct expression of nature, it is a promise of sustainability and ecocompatibility.

10 products