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Garcia de Olano

Bodegas García de Olano is a family-run winery with a long history in winemaking that goes back generations. Even today, the family owns a cellar containing ancient caves from the Muslim period where the grandfathers and great-grandfathers of the current three Garcia de Olano brothers used to produce and store wine which they later sold in bulk.

Although these "winemaking" roots were latent, it was not until 1990 that Fernando Garcia de Olano and three of these children, Fernando, Jose Luis and Jorge, gained momentum and created the present day "Bodegas Garcia de Olano S.C."

They started this new venture selling only young red wines under the brand “Heredad García de Olano.” After this effort and consolidation in the market, it was in 1997 when the first phase of the present day building was constructed, then extended in 2002, to become the winery it is today.

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